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Sunday, June 12, 2005

Birthdays, my Mother's Specialty 

my mother really excelled at birthdays. Every year no matter what was going on she would make a big fuss over my birthday. It was especially hard because my birthday falls 2 weeks after christmas. But, she always managed it. i always had a party. When i was little and still had lots of friends, my party tended to be a big social event. The year i turned 12, the last year i had a party, it was a dance. Lots of girls got off the bus at my house and Vanessa came over and helped everyone get ready. It was great fun, and for once, i was at the center, and accepted. More than the gifts i received... that was my favorite. my mother and sister gave me the gift of belonging. If only for one night.

Raven screamed at 6:27 PM

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