i pulled myself off the floor and ran to John's side, still retching. In my painful anxiety i was whispering Oh god! over and over and dancing from foot to foot. i thought for sure she was dead. Her eyes were gummed closed with gore. Her whole face covered in gore, her soft baby blonde hair matted with drying blood, and it pooled on her throat and chest. i thought her throat was slit and she was dead.But, then she retched and threw up a great deal of blood all over John. To his credit, he paid that no mind what so ever, only stroked her hair and crooned softly to her. He laid her in the back basement floor and and turned so suddenly on me, i had no time to react. He grabbed my long hair and jerked me close, then wiped his bloody hands on my face."There, there, get your share. This time it wasn't only me. Get your share, cunt."Then he backhanded me so hard i stumbled backwards. When i hit my knees, i stayed there. It was always better to stay down with John. But, he turned on his heel suddenly and was gone. Striding for the telephone and George. For help.i crawled across the floor to April, who was now moaning piteously. And, then i finally saw. Her tongue had been cut out. i lifted her nightie to check for wounds i could treat, and found the money shoved into her vagina. A huge wad of hundred dollar bills. It made me gag again, and have horrible terrible thoughts. Put i just extracted what must have been most uncomfortable and laid it beside her.Then i got up and ran. Ran to find Benny. Ran for comfort. Ran from horror. Just ran. Epilogue: April had spoken three times in Mr. Catlette's presence. i hadn't told her how deadly serious he was about that rule. And, she thought he would like punishing her, and cum sooner, so she could get away from that hell. He had her tongue cut out.i don't know when i'll get to the rest of April's tale. And, she deserves for you to know. So i'll tell you here. She lived. She was unable to ever speak again, and of course one needs a tongue for lots of things on dates. So, she was no longer a choice girl, and was thus pimped out to less desirable clients. Eventually one of them shot her in the head.