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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Benny's Story 

Benny first, because his is the lightest story. Although his hurts my heart most of all.Benny was a smart kid. He lived with his mother after his parents divorced and was a good student and an athlete. From what i can tell, his mother was a good mom although she worked a whole lot. Benny stayed a lot with his aunt. He had a bright future and things looked like they were going well.Then his mother and aunt were killed in a car wreck. Benny went to live with his father, who was a crack head. Three months after moving in with him, his father traded Benny as a runner to Edward. He was 11 years old. He was hooked on blow and morphine by the time he was 12. He never did do crack, he was terrified of it, but by the time i knew him, he did everything else. Benny popped more pills than the rest of us, he had a hard time living with what he did.Benny acted not only as Edward's head of drug operations, he was muscle. If you didn't pay on the designated date, Benny came around to see you. And, you would not be happy to see him. He was big, and solid muscle. The only problem was, he wasn't mean. He gave a good facismile of it though, and most people were fooled. Benny also helped John with the girls in the basement. That was mostly because he had grown up with John, and was one of the few men John trusted. Sort of.A few years after i escaped, Jackson forwarded a postcard to my mother's house. It was postmarked Seattle. It said. "Sorrier than I can say. Wish you were here. Love, B." Since i know thats where Kayla fetched up... i am hoping that Benny started a new life. And fullfilled at least some of the potential of that bright sweet little boy he once was.

Raven screamed at 7:08 PM

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