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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Golden Perfect Week 

i stayed with Vanessa and Iris one whole week when i was 8 years old. JH and Vanessa were fighting and he was staying at his mother's. So it was just me and Vanessa and Iris. It was like a week in heaven. We lived off of Roman Noodles (but i was allowed to eat as much of them as i wanted) and walked to a friend's house that took us to the river everyday. It was, up to that point the best week of my life. It culminated in Vanessa dressing Iris and i up in fancy dresses she found at the thrift shop and spending a long long time fixing our hair. Then we were picked up by my mother and we went to have our pictures made. And, usually when with Iris who has always been stunning, i was unnoticed. But, that day, my mother told me i looked pretty too. Which is very important to an 8 year old girl. One golden perfect week.

Raven screamed at 6:57 PM

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