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Thursday, August 25, 2005


When i was thirteen something happened that should have made me happy. But, instead it made my life worse. my braces were removed. Suddenly the one thing that had made me look childlike was gone. i only looked too skinny and abused. In Edward's client base it was hard for me to find work. i had regulars, and they kept asking for me. That was good... but i was almost never chosen out of a line up again, by old stand by customers.
So, John began looking for new customers for me. Had i been any other girl, i would have just been sold at that point. Two things kept that from happening to me. One was Mr. Catlette. He was very profitable, and would only use me. After April he wouldn't accept another girl. i was the only one he would take. And, he paid through the nose.
Secondly, was my family and the fact that i left the house. It would have been horribly complicated to sell me. my family would have looked for me. So, it was easier to just keep me in house and look for new clients for me. Edward was happily surprised at the number of men who have teenage girl fantasies, and i had a steady stream of new clients. Bringing in business that otherwise would not have existed.
But, this was a sincere pain in John's ass and made him in a rather bad mood with me. So i got a lot of unpleasant clients. Nasty fetishes, edgy sadists, and the endless stream of parties. Parties suck when you are the only girl. When rubbers are used, and your vagina doesn't work quite properly anyway, the 4th or 5th guy at a party is absolute agony. We won't even discuss the 15th guy.
i had thought it couldn't get any worse. But, as usual, i was wrong.

Raven screamed at 10:41 PM

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