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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

In School 

i said before, i was an angry kid. This often splashed on the other girls (and occasionally boys) at school. i was almost constantly in trouble. Either for being drunk at school, fighting, my clothes, or sneaking out of school. i mostly got in school suspension, which basically meant i got stuck in a room with the other delinquents all day. i managed to keep good grades because school was fairly easy for me, but every year i damn near failed because of the number of days i missed from school.
i have nieces and nephews who either recently left or are still in school. They tell me that these days, there is an attendant in the in school suspension room. In those days... someone came and got us for lunch, and someone came and got us to leave at the end of the day, but that was pretty much it. As long as there was nothing loud going on when the teachers walked by the door, they just kept on walking.
In some ways it was a relief to be away from those snotty prissy girls. But, on the other hand, i was in a room with a bunch of boys all day and couldn't leave. For the most part i was the only girl, and there i sat, with my whore's necklace jingling, in my too short skirt and too tight shirt. Every so often there would be a boy in there who was really nice. i did know a couple of boys who were good to me in those days. On those days, ISS wasn't bad.
But, there were the rest of the days. Two boys were the worst, cousins, Sammy and Jerry Brooks. One or the other was almost always there, and on the worst days, both were. i cannot count the number of times one or both either cashed in a ringtop in there, or took it anyway, with no ringtop. They were rough and hard to deal with. Because trouble in the ISS room went beyond a pinkslip and into a phone call home and out of school suspension, i could only take what they dished out, and quietly. If i got in trouble at home, and got grounded, there would be hell to pay from John. And, i was quite sure he was much less pleasant than either of them.
There were others though... who could be very pleasant. i always resisted, but not too hard, and there were a few who with gentle insistence gave me great pleasure. i was always horribly ashamed, and when it got back to Jackson i sure as hell paid for it, but still... there were good things.
And, to give them all their credit, not a one of them ever told on me for the pop bottles full of booze. And, they almost never took it all from me either. And, so, i was much better able to cope. For me school was easier with the guys, who wanted things i understood and allowed me to get trashed on most days before touching me. As long as i was only locked away in ISS, life wasn't so bad.

Raven screamed at 10:35 PM

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