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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Little More Background Info on Daddy 

So, i thought we'd talk just a bit more about who my Daddy is and was before we go on. If i had to sum up my father with one word it would be hardworking. He wasn't around much when i was a kid, because he worked 50, 60, 70 hours his whole life. Then he puttered outside constantly. my parent's yard was always perfectly groomed, and he grew a large garden. In fall and winter he chopped firewood and ranked it constantly.
When i was very young he drank too much. Way too much, just like all the other alcoholics in my family. But, he never beat on any of us, and he rarely had alcoholic tantrums. He was good to my sisters. Extremely good to them. He spent a decent amount of time with each of them and he took an active interest in their lives. When Vanessa got pregnant at 15 it nearly killed him and broke his heart, but he eventually got over it and absolutely dotes on Iris.
Its important to remember that this man was raised by my sick fuck of a grandfather. He has a major handicap. He tries to be what his idea of a good man is. But, that is a totally self invented concept. He had no good figure from which to learn how to be a man.
The man is tragically flawed. He is selfish, has a terrible temper, narrow minded and never knows when to just shut up. But, come on, we are all flawed. He's just a man. An imperfect one.
my biggest problem with him is that he doesn't like or want me. And, never has.

Raven screamed at 3:18 PM

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