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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sunday Post... and Plans 

So. i have started to hate this Sunday tradition. But, i'm determined to press on with it because i think at some point i'll enjoy looking back and seeing lots of good things from my life before J. But, be forewarned... if it doesn't start coming a bit easier i'm going to can the whole concept.

And, one more note before i start trying to write the Sunday post. Due to some detective work on J's part i recently found out something about myself and my father that has upset me rather a lot. This week is going to be about processing that, and its not going to be pretty. i may dissolve into cursing tantrums and i reserve the right to flake out totally and come completely unglued if he calls me before this week ends.

And, possibly after that. Possibly forever.

So anyway. Sunday Post...

Daddy took me fishing once. i wanted us to have a special day together, like he often had with my sisters or nieces or nephew. Just me and him.
my mother took up my argument and he finally caved and took me fishing. And, it was wonderful. Out on the small boat the awkwardness that was always between us fell away and we laughed and worked at pulling the fish in. They were biting well and it was a perfect fall day spent laughing and feeling magically close to him and loved.
A perfect day.

Raven screamed at 8:08 PM

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