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Friday, September 16, 2005

Throwaways, Giveaways and me 

So... i've been sick the past few days, and i've been neglecting this blog. *sigh* Its easy to do, but i have to keep away from that. So condenced version of the last three days.

April's mother left her. April went to a friend's house for the weekend and came home and her mother had split. For good. April was 11. She wandered around and lived on the streets for a while. Benny found her about 6 months later being passed around alleyway. He took her home to Edward who took her in. April told me before Mr. Catlette got her that she was actually fairly happy at Edward's. But, we know how that story played out.

The twins were named Wendy and Mindy. When i first went to the house they were almost 10. They didn't work in the basement with the rest of us mostly. They had their own room but it was only just up the hall from me. i often heard them screaming and begging when they were being taken from their room to go to work.
Tiny little blondes with huge green eyes. Their stupid junkie whore of a mother sold them to Edward when they were only 8. Benny resolutely refused to have anything whatsoever to do with the twins. John would sigh and bite at his lip, but in the end he always squared his shoulders and drug them out kicking and screaming. The fact that they still kicked and screamed said a lot about John's reluctance. The only one who had no reluctance whatsoever was Edward of course. He simply counted the money.

The only other girl i ever knew at Edward's in a similar situation as myself was Cathy. She was there for one week. Cathy was too old to be in Edward's house... she was 17. But Brandon was out of town and Cathy was so stunningly beautiful Edward knew he could charge Brandon even more for her than he had paid himself.
She was fresh. Never worked before. He boyfriend got over his head with drugs, ripped off the wrong people, and like Jackson, cashed in his only valuable property. Cathy hung herself with John's belt before she ever had her first client. No one got any money off her.

Raven screamed at 7:09 PM

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