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Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Last Time 

The last time i saw my grandfather was part of my punishment for last week's attack on John. He thought really hard to come up with something bad enough to cover being attacked by one of his own whores. i got the physical retribution i told about last week, auctioned for a month, and this.

When John told Jackson what he wanted him to do, i was devastated, hurt, disgusted, and enraged. But, after i calmed down a bit i thought it wouldn't be so bad. my grandfather had very few good days by then, and i figured chances were good he wouldn't even know who the hell i was.
It was a blistering hot day in July when Jackson and i went to visit my grandfather. We had yet another tussle when it came time to get out of the car. And for the third time he hammered me into submission. This one wasn't as bad as when he forced me into the leather skirt and see through top with my trademark leather boots, but it was probably a bit worse than the convincing it took to get me into the car.
The lady who kept my grandfather took one look at me wobbling unsteadily on my heels, my crotch barely covered by my skirt, and my mouth bleeding onto my see through top and made a loud hmph noise and disappeared back into the depths of her house.
Now that it was here, i decided there was nothing for it but to handle it with as much dignity as i could muster. The old bastard wouldn't know who i was anyway. i jerked my arm out of Jackson's iron grip, squared my shoulders and walked briskly down the hall to my grandfather's room. At the doorway i hesitated but Jackson's hand turned the knob for me and i stepped over the threshold before he could shove me. He closed the door behind us, and i heard the small snick as it locked.
He was dressed. He was seated in an old blue recliner looking out the window. His old bald head turned slowly to see who had hustled so rudely into his room. His eyes slid over Jackson and landed on me. His brow creased, trying to place who i was.
Jackson stepped forward. "Mr. _______?"
Granddaddy's eyes turned back to him and he nodded curtly. He looked at me again and wiped his mouth.
"I've brought you a gift, Mr. _____. Something that's really yours anyway, but I wanted you to see she's being properly looked after."
At the words really yours i couldn't stop the low moan that escaped me and i turned my pleading eyes on Jackson. i could see some pity in his face, but he touched his scar and nodded at me. His was meaning clear. He was afraid of John, and i'd get no mercy from him.
i closed my eyes and recited John's carefully constructed words in a voice i didn't recognize.
"Its me Granddaddy. It's your little cunt. i came to tell you i grew up to be a whore, just like you wanted. This is one of the men i work for. You trained me so good, i'm here to do whatever you want for free."
For a few minutes he only looked confused. i felt relief course through me. It was all going to be okay, he had no idea what i was talking about. i opened my eyes and turned towards Jackson, but just as i was about to speak the old bastard did.
i sobbed and rushed towards the door but Jackson caught me and hauled me back. He got my arm behind my back and twisted it so viciously i lost my breath for a minute. Then he eased me to my knees. i went, not caring anymore. i hoped he would kill me. i couldn't imagine hell as anything worse than this.
It turned out old age had robbed him of his manhood, but not his enjoyment of misery. He listened to Jackson's offer of anything he wanted, and laughed merrily. In the end it was fairly harmless stuff, i sucked my grandfather's limp cock a bit and then laid my upper body across his lap while Jackson fucked me. The entire ordeal probably took less than 15 minutes.
When Jackson touched my back so that i knew i could get up i carried out the last of John's instructions without having to be prompted. my soul felt dead. What did it matter now?
i sat in Granddaddy's lap and kissed his horribly disgusting old mouth, thrusting my tongue in and pressing my ass firmly against his cock.
"Thank you Granddaddy. You were right about me. i love you."
my assigned lines and actions exhausted, i merely sat in his lap. i lacked the will to even try to save myself anymore. John had been canny, all will to resist had fled. And, as i sat there, the old arm came around me, and hugged me tight. The other hand knocked my unresisting legs apart and i sprawled on him. He rubbed my sex softly and whispered, "I love you too. I always did."
i couldn't respond or react at all, i only sat there, still as a statue . Finally, Jackson pulled me off of his lap and lead me from the house.
That night i took my Mama's entire bottle of xanex, and i woke up in the hospital. i couldn't even get that right.

Raven screamed at 8:54 PM

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