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Monday, January 30, 2006

The Little Things 

Kayla had a serious thing for Andes Mints. Her crazy mother had always been a bit of a nut about not letting her have them. Or any other sweet. It sounds totally silly but one of the things that she loved about Edward's was her Andes Mints. As i've mentioned before we shared a room when i was at the house. We each had a twin sized bed and there was a small chest of drawers between the two beds. On that sat a fruit bowl which John kept full of individually wrapped mints for Kayla.
Edward believed very much that these sorts of small indulgences should be encouraged. Catered to. i couldn't have candy due to my disgraceful shape but there were other things i enjoyed.
On the other side of my sweet pink bed my vanity stood. It was where i got ready for dates. At any given time there was a book i hadn't read in the bottom drawer and a pint (only a pint, i couldn't stay truly drunk, its bad for business) of black velvet was always on the very back of the vanity.
What i can't stop thinking about is how these silly little things made our lives bearable. i can't help but picture Kayla black and blue and covered in crusted welts dip her hand into that dish. And my own reflection as i tipped my bottle, a book in my other hand.
The human spirit will hold on to any scrap you give it.

Raven screamed at 1:48 AM

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