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Saturday, April 29, 2006


After at least four eternities she lost consciousness. i begged John for my turn. Plead and begged until he finally said if i didn't shut up he'd wake her up and start again, making me help this time. i shut up.
He drug me over to her and put my fingers on some of her wounds. She flinched and moaned. He smeared my face with her blood and it was on my hands and arms. The silent tears made tracks down my face.
"You love her don't you?"
i nodded. He drew his arm back and i cried out. "Yes, yes Sir, i love her. Please, stop, please no more. Please, i'm sorry. Please."
"I gave you mercy this time. Do it again and I'll kill you. But, first. First she will suffer for a long long time. And, if you ever get away what happened to Mira will look like fun for Kayla."
i could only stare at him openmouthed. Surely Edward wouldn't destroy valuable property like that.
He reached out and pulled her head back with her hair. i could tell she was awake and faking desperately.
"I'll buy her if I have to. I'll buy her just so you know what you've done. Be a good girl Raven. Don't make me kill the only thing that doesn't think you are a useless cunt."
And, i would be. By the time i left Kayla was long gone. Had she not been, i would never have left.

Raven screamed at 9:56 AM

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