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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mangy Little Whores 

The boy was bellowing and clutching at his crotch. My client was still thrusting madly, too close to his own orgasm to care much for anything else.
Kayla was staring, horror struck, at the bitten appendage. Trapped beneath the boy's heaving sweating older brother I couldn't see, but from Kayla's eyes I could tell it wasn't good. Not good at all.
And, then John stood in the door frame. His eyes scanned the scene. Flicked over the tiny trickle of blood seeping from the back of Kayla's head, took in her smashed bruised and bloodied lips, and then horribly swept to her client's cock. His eyes went murderous.
In two steps he reached the bed and smashed Kayla's delicate face with his fist. She slumped on the bed in a bloody heap of blonde hair and sprawling limbs. Her bladder let go.
I watched all this with my peripheral vision because the man on top of me was having his orgasm and I was using every skill I knew to make sure it was the best of his life. I knew I couldn't save the situation, but perhaps I could alleviate it.
Immediately upon his release he blew out his breath and whispered, "Goddamn, how'd you do that?"
I just gave the best smile I could find and he finally turned to his little brother who was wavering between tears and fury. When younger brother saw older brother he pointed an accusatory finger at the now conscious and cowering Kayla.
"That mangy little whore bit me!"

Raven screamed at 12:56 PM

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