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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Yes, You Are. 

Older brother was thankfully freshly sated and feeling charitable towards me. He said "Oh, she did not, you slammed her head against the wall too hard and rattled her teeth. Too bad too, they're talented."
He noticed the blood smeared on his own cock. He sighed and looked at me somewhat sheepishly. "Tsk, I didn't mean to hurt you so bad, you just felt so fucking good."
Johns eyes were like chips of steel. It was unnecessary, I knew exactly what to do.
I gave him a a bright cheery smile and strode for the bathroom that was only a few steps away, throwing back over my shoulder an ego inspiring comment about his enormous cock. i settled down to clean him and locked my eyes on his brown ones. "I'm so glad you had a good time. Really. That's all we want."
Kalya nodded frantically.
Older brother looked at her and sighed. "I suppose you'll drop us from your client list now, huh,?" He asked morosely. And, I realized he thought his brother had hit Kayla.
Younger brother had had enough. He exploded off the bed and snatched on boxers and jeans. "Yeah, fine, okay, the brunette is great. Mouth like a vacuum and a pussy that snaps, but that blonde bitch bit me and I'm not paying for it."
John's voice was deadly, "Yes, you are."

Raven screamed at 1:49 PM

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