Edward's sister knew what he did but disapproved. Not to the point that she would have her own brother locked up, but whenever she came to visit (she lived in another state) she rocked the boat. Rocked it hard. The hell of it was, she was trying to help us, Edward's girls. She didn't. She made our lives miserable. Everyone thought she might make us start thinking we were human. John was twice as likely to string someone up for any little thing. Edward was more present in our lives than usual which was never good. He handed out harsh punishments like he was handing out candy. And, she ate Benny up with guilt so the one voice that ever said anything in our defense was suddenly gone, or even more slurred than usual or completely incoherent. The first time Melinda came i didn't understand the other girls fear and near panic. She seemed so nice. i had been selected to carry her bags and escort her into the actual family part of the house that the girls were only taken into to pleasure Eric and Marna in their bedroom. She clucked over how thin i was and inspected the bruise on my cheek closely. i thought her nice, but a little weird as i scampered back to my own domain where i could feel comfortable.