Okay, so, Marcie was here all day yesterday and then i had to run around trying to get all of her errands done and get rid of her last night. No time to myself whatsoever. i love her, i do, but the woman would drive a religious deity to mainline tequilla in about two minutes flat. And, i'm out of weed. Fuck. So, i had wanted to do the blogathon this year for this page, but i'm going to be out of town. Dammit. It falls right in the middle of the time J and i are going away for our anniversary. So that's out. i don't where i'm going to go next week. i've circled my sick fuck of a grandfather as much as i can think of right now. i can't think of anything else "light" and i am still not ready to force the door of that basement open. Or go into either of those cursed bedrooms. Where does that leave me? i don't know. i could go back to Edward's house i suppose. Maybe i will.