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Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Amazing Gingerbread Girl: Vanessa 

Vanessa has run her whole life. Run from everything. She's been married three times, had a dozen more serious relationships on the side and in between. She's run from reality to drugs and from drugs to church from God to men she thought were bad. She periodically packs up all of her shit and just runs away. Usually to here.
She doesn't know what she's running from or running to only that she must run and so she does. She does incredibly impulsive things and hurts herself and everyone around her without meaning to a lot. Then she curls into a ball and cries like a broken child, because she would never purposefully hurt a fly, much less those she loves. Only the run in her makes her do so.

Only lately Vanessa has tried to stop and face it. If it doesn't do for her, her run may be over. Sometimes i think it will do for her. She doesn't know how to be still. A butterfly will fly until its wings are in tatters. So will Vanessa i fear.

Raven screamed at 9:44 PM

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