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Friday, August 25, 2006

Ground Down 

Within a day or two i realized what the warehouse was, just that, a warehouse. Every girl and boy in the place was for sale. We spent most of our time chained to the eyebolts in the floor by our small cots. There was supposed to be no talking, but whispering was rampant and it sounded all the time like a church just before services started. Hushed but loud.
We were given sparse meals at least once a day, sometimes twice if it had been particularly sparse. Every day i was lead out and allowed to shower, my chains loosely pulled through another bolt on the wall. Shaved and showered i was returned to my cot to try to lure in a buyer.
People milled through our cots, going from this bright haired girl to that dark haired boy. i was in no condition to be in such a place. My hair, once my crowning glory, hung limp and lifeless with malnutrition. i was starved in appearance and pitiful looking. Not the least bit sexy.
At first i tried. i knew if i could just get someone to test me, they'd buy me. And, i tried hard. But, no one came near. My show drew in one fascinated teenage boy but his father told him i looked like i was dying, i probably had a disease. i cursed John. i tried harder. And, then i gave up.
i lay on my cot and stared at the people. The sea of people. i wished for Daddy's Little Helpers. Wished to watch John die. Wished i would die. And, so i stopped eating.

Raven screamed at 8:20 AM

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