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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What Do You Think? 

i've been reading and rereading the posts i wrote about the girls whose names i knew that died. i can't decide if i'm remembering them well by leaving their posts up or doing them a disservice by leaving up something way too graphic. i just don't know. Their deaths are raw for me. Harsh and raw and bitter and i tell them exactly as i remember them not pulling back an inch. When i wrote them i thought i would not pull back on their deaths as i usually do because... it was their death. They deserved for you to know.
But, now i think maybe i've told too much. i've smeared their last painful moments out like messy finger paints. i don't know. i'm questioning myself. And, yet, i can't bring myself to pull them. i can't take their names away. Messy they may be, but they are remembered.
So i ask you, my readers. What do you think? They are mostly here. Should i pull them and let them rest forgotten? Or should i leave them, their memorial messy but at least done with love and the best of intentions if not perfect execution?

Raven screamed at 9:19 PM

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