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Friday, September 01, 2006

And someone to take her place. 

i wanted to post this yesterday but blogger was bitchy. So i'm rolling back the clock because there is something else i want to post today.

Butchered, hung, burned alive. Jerked loose her bonds during the break and ran away, leaving the two remaining girls to die like dogs.

And someone to take her place.

Once i was freed of the building and running proper, the chains at my ankles scraping the sidewalk, (Oh, thank god! There's two, not one. Sometimes that phrase will get stuck in my head and i can't get it out.) i began to worry about being in the city in the middle of the night, naked, shackled, weak. But that night, miraculously no one bothered me. In fact, after about 12 blocks i could run no farther. Panic was a desperate motivator, but it had carried me as far as it could.
And to my terror i was in the ally right off the stroll i would have been working if i had been sold into this city. Of course they would look for me here. Would the movie be over? Would they simply shoot me in the head? That would be fine, but not... Oh God!
A man was approached me. And, i fainted dead away, too big of a coward to face it at all.

Raven screamed at 9:12 PM

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