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Saturday, September 02, 2006

It Took All Day... 

But, i finally found an article that admitted to the existance of snuff films. You can find it here http://www.tranquileye.com/historyofporn/snuff.html . What bugs me is the assumption that this can't happen in North America. Why is it that every horror has to happen overseas? i get so fed up.

Here is the truth. There is a whole host of little girls and boys right here in this country who have no value to the people controling them. There is a price tag on their little bodies and for the right amount of money they can be taken off and whatever in the world desired done with them. And no one cares.

Its not somewhere else. Its not someone else's problem. Its right here. And, our lawmakers are blind.

Raven screamed at 9:48 AM

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