i awoke at the feet of a big black man. He was dressed very much like you picture a pimp off of TV to dress. A purple suit and a white satin shirt. He seemed somehow familiar. “Girl, what are you doing here, falling out naked in the streets? Somebody gonna eat you for a snack.” To my horror i heard myself laughing at him. i couldn't help it. i figured i'd come about as close to a snack as i could get. He looked me over close. Nodded to himself and sighed. “You done slipped away from that warehouse aint you?” And, now i was scared. He'd take me back. They'd just move me to sixth. i was terrified and i crawled to his feet and began to beg the man for my life. i didn't touch him, i knew that was a mistake, i just got close enough to kick, showing trust, and begged in the most broken craven humiliating way possible. And he softened. And, he saved me. He offered me a place in his stable. i nearly accepted, i would have fit there. He wanted to fatten me up and use my breasts and hips as advantages. In house work. Sugar looked at me and saw potential. But, in the end when he said if Edward would buy me back from him, he'd let me go... i decided to do it. i wanted to see my family again. i wanted to go back to my double life. And, i think some part of me had already decided to run. i wouldn't have run from Sugar.