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Thursday, October 26, 2006

The End? 

i don't know what to do with myself now. This blog has been the most therapeutic tool of my life and now i have effectively ended it. What's left to tell? Repetitive stories of abuse. i can tell you again and again how i was used and hurt and about the other girls i saw used and hurt. But, honestly, i don't see the point. Isn't that just flogging a dead horse? If you read what is here, you get the point. i still have flashbacks and nightmares, but i feel silly putting them here. Like an amputee complaining about splinters.
What happened happened. It really sucked. But, i'm trying hard to pick up the pieces of my life. i take the handful of pills everyday. i see the shrink. i'm going to be writing about all my little craziness on my Live Journal. Some of it will be locked. Mostly the stuff that deals with my Dissociative Identity Disorder because people don't understand it and they get all squicked out. But, dealing with that is a huge part of my life. i spend a hell of a lot of energy pretending to be normal.
i don't know yet what i'm going to do with this page. i know for sure i'll never take it down. Well, unless someone makes me take it down. This is my story. This is what happened to the little girl that i was. She deserves for someone to hear her screams. Now people can and do. But, as for new posts... i don't know. i don't know what to say. Do you really want me to flog the dead horse? i can always lock it away on my LJ and no one need hear about that time with the bat, or the other things that i've held back.
i just don't know. The story seems complete.

Raven screamed at 1:06 PM

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