Benny kept two massive hand guns loaded and in good working order in his room. i had never laid a finger on them but i had watched him operate them many times. He target shot and took me along. i knew what the recoil would be and that my skinny ass had best hang on for dear life. i knew how to screw the silencer down on them. i chose a day when Benny had fixed, for i desperately didn't want to kill him, but there was no guarantee if he rushed to the scene. Best to keep things as quiet as possible. i gazed down at his sleeping face and wondered what hell he'd pay after they'd killed me. After all, he let me get my hands on his gun. i wavered but then looked at his damned works. He loved that poison better than me. Fuck him. i brushed a kiss on his cheek and stole from the room. It was quiet, about 5 am. All the girls were in and John was down for the night. Marty raised an eyebrow at me when i appeared, fully dressed and in a jacket (to conceal the gun tucked in the back of my skirt)but didn't argue when i said Edward had wanted me up early for an appointment. That i was to meet him in his office. He was high, they were always high. i crept up the backstairs. To my surprise the light was actually on in Edward's office. i turned that way and mentally whispered goodbye to Iris and Jenny and Franklin. my sisters. The mama and daddy who had no idea where i was.